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XBoard Stories
XBoard Stories

#drivethewave – that's the XBoard feeling

Riding an XBoard is an attitude towards life. Find out more about first XBoard enthusiasts surfing the streets, get the latest news & insights, and subscribe to our newsletter!

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Do you want to know what freedom is?

Freedom is hard to describe. But it is recognizable when you see it. It can be experienced when you feel it. And it's priceless when you get hold of it. Have a look at our image trailer on YouTube and discover a completely new riding experience. Fun, flow and freedom on the way to your next destination.

Die letzte Meile in der Stadt ist meistens die anstrengendste. Erfahre ein völlig neues Fahrgefühl mit dem Xboard von Mubea U-Mobility und komme so stressfrei und mit Fahrspaß ans Ziel. #drivethewave
XBoard Experience – Mia

Ride in style: Your daily mobile XBoard life

I use my XBoard every day, and it's just the thing: I surf along and reach my destination completely relaxed – and then I simply fold it up with a click and take it along to the office or into a shop. Easy and comfortable. And my XBoard always looks good, high-end and snazzy. Exactly my style.

Story Mia
XBoard Experience – Dan

Exploring the urban landscape on the XBoard

Going from A and B in the city can be a lot of fun: when I'm on my XBoard. Every ride turns into an exciting adventure, a life-enhancing journey full of discoveries and inspiring moments. I feel free, and it makes me see the beauty of the city with new eyes. No traffic jams, no parking problems – I'm out on the road but feel like surfing the waves. A next level e-scooter.

Story Dan
XBoard Experience – Noa

From business to pleasure: always quick and easy

The most important thing about my XBoard is its flexibility. For business or pleasure, I use it wherever I go. Every breeze, every ray of sunshine makes me realize how much I love and enjoy the moments I get to spend on my XBoard.  
Always quick and plenty of fresh air: It makes me feel alive and I can experience the city with all my senses. Zero emissions for my city, zero stress for me.

Story Noa
XBoard stories

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See the XBoard in action as our first riders share their exciting experiences. And you're very welcome to join our community! Show us your XBoard moments and connect with like-minded people on social media. 

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Diego mit XBoard und Surfbrett unterwegs in Berlin
Diego surfing

The XBoard adds a splash of beach vibes to the city. In Berlin, you'll find me surfing at 'Wellenwerk'.

Surfer from Chile
XBoard test drives

Eurobike 2024

03.07.2024 – 07.07.2024
Frankfurt, Germany


Das XBoard mit Klappmechanismus auf der EUROBIKE in Frankfurt Probefahren.
You are invited

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Would you like to try out the XBoard and experience this extraordinary riding experience? Then join our community and follow us on social media. Official sales launch for the XBoard is June 2024. 

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